

A Major League Soccer club's active roster is comprised of up to 30 players. All 30 players are eligible for selection to the game-day squad during the regular season and playoffs.

In addition to the Salary Budget, each MLS club may spend additional funds on player compensation including money from a League-wide allocation pool (General Allocation Money), discretionary amounts of Targeted Allocation Money, the cost of Designated Players outside the Salary Budget, the cost of U22 Initiative Slots outside the Salary Budget, and money spent on the Supplemental Roster (roster slots 21-30).

Senior Roster

Up to 20 players, occupying roster slots 1-20, count against the club's 2021 Salary Budget of $4,900,000 and are referred to collectively as the club's Senior Roster.

  • Clubs are not required to fill roster slots 19 and 20, and clubs may spread their entire Salary Budget across 18 Senior Roster Players. A minimum Salary Budget Charge will be imputed against a club's Salary Budget for each unfilled Senior Roster slot below 18.
  • A club may have no more than 20 players on its Senior Roster, subject to the Season-Ending Injury, Injured List, and Loan exceptions.
  • The Maximum Salary Budget Charge for a single player is $612,500. (See Allocation Money section below for details on buying down a player's Salary Budget Charge.)

Supplemental Roster

The salaries of players on the Supplemental Roster (slots 21-30) do not count toward a club's Salary Budget.

A club may have no more than ten players on its Supplemental Roster, subject to the Season-Ending Injury, Injured List, and Loan exceptions. All Generation adidas players are Supplemental Roster players during the initial guaranteed term of their contract.

Slots 21-24

  • Slots 21-24 may be filled with (i) Senior Minimum Salary Players ($81,375 in 2021), which may include Homegrown Players, (ii) Generation adidas Players, (iii) any specifically designated players eligible for the MLS SuperDraft; or (iv) Homegrown Players earning more than the Senior Minimum Salary subject to the Homegrown Player Subsidy .
  • All players in slots 21-24 must be paid a base salary that is at least the Senior Minimum Salary ($81,375).

Slots 25-28

  • Slots 25-28 may be filled with (i) players earning the Reserve Minimum Salary ($63,547 in 2021), which may include Homegrown Players, or (ii) Homegrown Players earning more than the Reserve Minimum Salary subject to the Homegrown Player Subsidy.
  • Reserve Minimum Salary Players must be 24 years or younger during the League Year (age of player is determined by year - not date - of birth).
  • These slots may not be filled with Senior Minimum Salary Players (unless they are Homegrown Players subject to the Homegrown Player Subsidy) or Generation adidas Players.
  • All players in slots 25-28 must be paid a base salary that is at least the Reserve Minimum Salary ($63,547).

Slots 29-30

  • Slots 29 and 30 must be filled with Homegrown Players (i) earning the Reserve Minimum Salary ($63,547 in 2021) or (ii) earning more than the Reserve Minimum Salary subject to the Homegrown Player Subsidy.
  • All Players in roster slots 29-30 must be paid a base salary which is at least the Reserve Minimum Salary.

Homegrown Player Subsidy

  • Homegrown Player(s) in Supplemental Roster slots 21-30 may earn in aggregate each year up to $125,000 above the Reserve Minimum Salary (if occupying slots 25-30) or Senior Minimum Salary (if occupying slots 21-24).
  • Clubs may use up to $200,000 of their currently available Targeted Allocation Money to sign new Homegrown Players to their first MLS contract, subject to League review and approval. Targeted Allocation Money cannot be used on a Homegrown Player previously signed to MLS.

2021 Roster Compliance, Roster Freeze and Transfer Window Dates

  • The 2021 Roster Compliance Date is April 16, 2021 (or April 15, 2021 for clubs playing MLS matches on April 16, 2021), at which time clubs must be roster and budget compliant heading into the start of the 2021 MLS season.
  • The 2021 Roster Freeze Date is September 15, 2021, at which time clubs must submit their final 30-man roster. Rosters cannot be changed from that date through the day after MLS Cup.

The registration windows - the dates between which MLS may request the international transfer certificate of a player under contract in another country - are as follows:

Primary Transfer Window: Wed., March 10 – Tues., June 1, 2021

Secondary Transfer Window: Wed., July 7 – Thurs., August 5, 2021



In 2021, a total of 216 international roster slots are divided among the 27 clubs. These roster slots are tradable, in full season increments, such that some clubs may have more than eight and some clubs may have less than eight during any given season. With trades, there is no limit on the number of international roster slots on each club's roster.

Domestic Players

U.S.-based clubs: For U.S. clubs, a domestic player is either a U.S. citizen, a permanent resident (i.e., a Green Card holder), the holder of a certain other special status (e.g., has been granted refugee or asylum status) or a player who qualifies under the Homegrown International Rule by the opening of the Secondary Transfer Window in 2021 (July 7, 2021). There is no limit as to the number of U.S. Domestic Players on a U.S. club's roster.

Canada-based clubs: For Canadian clubs, a domestic player is either a Canadian citizen or the holder of certain other special status (i.e., has been granted refugee or asylum status), a player who qualifies under the Homegrown International Rule, or a U.S. Domestic Player by the opening of the Secondary Transfer Window in 2021 (July 7, 2021). There is no limit as to the number of Canadian Domestic Players on a Canadian club's roster.

  • There is no limit as to the number of U.S. Domestic Players or Canadian Domestic Players on a Canadian club's roster; provided, however, that a Canadian club is required to have a minimum of three Canadian Domestic Players on its roster at all times.

Homegrown International Rule

Any player who meets the requirements to qualify as a Homegrown Player as a member of an MLS club academy, either in the U.S. or Canada, or has met similar requirements as a member of a Canadian Approved Youth Club, will count as a domestic player (i.e., he will not occupy an international roster slot) on both U.S. and Canadian club rosters provided that:

  • The player became a member of an MLS club academy, either in the U.S. or Canada, or a Canadian Approved Youth Club no later than the year in which he turned 15 years old; and
  • The player signs his first professional contract with MLS or an MLS club's USL affiliate.

International Players

U.S.-based clubs: Any player who does not qualify as a U.S. Domestic Player in a U.S. club by the opening of the Secondary Transfer Window in 2021 (July 7, 2021) shall be considered an International Player and must occupy an international roster slot on a U.S. club's roster for the full season. For avoidance of doubt, an International Player may not be converted to a Domestic Player if he receives a green card after the opening of the Secondary Transfer Window.

Canada-based clubs: Any player who does not qualify as a U.S. Domestic Player or a Canadian Domestic Player by the opening of the Secondary Transfer Window in 2021 (July 7, 2021) shall be considered an International Player and must occupy an international roster slot on a Canadian club's roster for the full season. For avoidance of doubt, an International Player may not be converted to a Domestic Player if he receives permanent residency after the opening of the Secondary Transfer Window.

Homegrown Players

Players signed through the Homegrown Player mechanism (see below in Player Acquisition Mechanisms) will receive the designation of “Homegrown Player” on a club’s roster.

  • There is no limit to the number of Homegrown Players a club may sign in any given year.
  • Homegrown Players may occupy a slot on the Senior or Supplemental Roster.
  • Homegrown Players on the Supplemental Roster may earn in aggregate each year up to $125,000 above the Reserve Minimum Salary ($63,547 in 2021) or the Senior Minimum Salary ($81,375 in 2021).

Generation adidas

Generation adidas is a joint program between MLS and adidas that is dedicated to developing exceptional talent in a professional environment. Each year, a handful of top collegiate underclassmen and youth national team players are signed by the League with the majority of such players entering the League through the MLS SuperDraft. Until the end of the guaranteed term of his contract up to three years, Generation adidas players are on a club's Supplemental Roster.

Designated Player

The Designated Player Rule allows clubs to acquire up to three players whose total compensation and acquisition costs exceed the Maximum Salary Budget Charge, with the club bearing financial responsibility for the amount of compensation above each player's Salary Budget Charge. Designated Players may be new players signed to MLS via the Allocation Ranking List or the Discovery Process, or they may be re-signed existing players on a club's roster.

A player's Salary Budget Charge, and therefore Designated Player status, is generally determined by averaging all guaranteed amounts payable over the guaranteed term.

In 2021, a Designated Player who is at least 24 years old during the League Year will carry the Maximum Salary Budget Charge ($612,500) unless the player joins his club after the opening of the Secondary Transfer Window, in which case his budget charge will be $306,250.

Young Designated Player

  • A Designated Player who is 23 years old (or younger than the age of 23) during the League Year (the age of the player is determined by year - not date - of birth) will carry the following Young Designated Player Salary Budget Charge:
  • Ages 20 and younger: $150,000
  • Ages 21-23: $200,000
  • If such a Young Designated Player joins the club after the opening of the Secondary Transfer Window, he will carry the Mid-Season Young Designated Player Salary Budget Charge of $150,000.

Clubs may "buy down" the Salary Budget Charge of a Designated Player with General Allocation Money. The reduced budget charge may not be less than $150,000.

Each club will be allotted two Designated Player roster slots. Clubs with two Designated Players may add a third Designated Player by paying $150,000 to the League, which shall be split among clubs with two or fewer occupied Designated Player slots for use as General Allocation Money in the following MLS Season. Clubs must pay the $150,000 fee every year in which a third Designated Player slot is occupied on the club's roster.

If a club uses the third Designated Player slot to sign a Young Designated Player, then the club will not be obligated to pay the $150,000 charge.

Designated Player slots are not tradable.

U22 Initiative Roster Slots

Number of Slots:

Each MLS team will have up to three U22 Initiative Slots that will each occupy one of the 20 existing Senior Roster Slots. The number of U22 Initiative Slots available to each team will be based on that team’s use of its third Designated Player slot.

If a Club has a vacant third Designated Player slot, the Club will have available three U22 Initiative Slots.

If a Club elects to sign a third Designated Player, the number of U22 Initiative Slots would be impacted in the following way:

  • If the third Designated Player is a Young Designated Player, the club will have all three U22 Initiative Slots.
  • If the third Designated Player is age 24 or older, yet is at, or below, Maximum Targeted Allocation Money Amount ($1,612,500), the club will have all three U22 Initiative Slots.
  • If the third Designated Player is age 24 or older and is above Maximum Targeted Allocation Money Amount ($1,612,500), the club will have one U22 Initiative Slot.

Eligibility for U22 Initiative Slot:

Age: A Player must be twenty-two years old or younger in the first year he is eligible to play in an MLS game (e.g., not eligible for 2021 if he turns 23 in 2021). A player who signs at age 22 or younger may continue to occupy a U22 Initiative Slot through the year in which he turns 25, provided that for non-Homegrown players, such player is on his initial contract. A Homegrown player may continue to occupy a U22 Initiative Slot through the year in which he turns 25, provided he must be on his first or second contract and the applicable contract must have been signed at age 22 or younger.

Contract: A player is eligible to occupy a U22 Initiative Slot if signing his first contract with MLS, provided that player meets age and compensation requirements, as either a Homegrown player, or, as an international or domestic player playing outside of MLS. A player will be eligible to occupy a U22 Initiative Slot during his second contract provided that he meets the age and compensation requirements and signed his first contract with MLS as either a Homegrown or SuperDraft player.

Compensation: A player’s salary may not exceed the Maximum Salary Budget Charge in any given year, including option years. A Homegrown or SuperDraft player on his second contract may earn up to $200,000 above the Maximum Salary Budget Charge in any given year, including option years.

In addition, Clubs may pay, without limit, additional amounts in the form of acquisition fees (i.e. transfer or loan fees).

U22 Initiative Slot Budget Charge:

Players occupying a U22 Initiative Slot will have a Salary Budget Charge that mirrors that of a Young Designated Player:

  • Ages 20 and younger: $150,000
  • Ages 21-23: $200,000

All such amounts above the first $150,000 or $200,000 accounted for on the Salary Budget will be paid on a discretionary basis by the Club.

Transfer of Player:

In the event a player occupying a U22 Initiative Slot is transferred outside of the League, 100% of the proceeds of the sale (i.e., after out-of-pocket amounts are recouped) will be paid to the Club and such amounts may be converted to General Allocation Money based on the below sliding scale:

  • Acquisition cost of the Player for coming into the League (e.g., both Loan and Transfer costs)
  • Revenue share convertible to GAM in 2021 (increases by five percent (5%) annually thereafter)