Columbus Crew's Darlington Nagbe explains why he is "heartbroken" over continued scourge of racism

Nagbe "heartbroken" from continued scourge of racism

Darlington Nagbe - portrait against black background - use only for special posts

In the wake of protests surrounding the killing of George Floyd, Columbus Crew SC midfielder Darlington Nagbe shared an emotional Twitter post on Sunday reflecting on his own experiences with race as a Black man who is married to a white woman and has three mixed-race children.

Nagbe reflected on how he feels more welcome by others when he is with his wife versus by himself, and on the cruel absurdity of hoping his children's lighter complexion will make their battles with racism easier than his own.

Nagbe also credited his mother for helping shaping his own views about trying to love all of humankind, "despite color, creed or class."

The former Portland and Atlanta players' views have been shaped through experiences that differ from most Black Americans. Nagbe was born in Liberia and spent his early childhood living with his family in Europe, before they settled in the Cleveland metropolitan area when he was 11 years old.