Did the New England Revolution just win Super Bowl XLIX? | SIDELINE

Did the New England Revolution just win Super Bowl XLIX? | SIDELINE

Owner Bob Kraft and midfielder Jermaine Jones of the New England Revolution

Mistakes were made. Left Shark became a folk hero. Missy Elliott stole the whole show. And the commercials... man. Those commercials were pretty depressing. We were hoping for cutting-edge, Season 2 Don Draper, not sad-sack, Season 6 Don Draper:

Sunday night's parade of the inexplicable didn't stop with toenail fungus or Seattle's ill-conceived slant pattern on 2nd-and-goal. As spotted by AwfulAnnouncing.com, England's Daily Mail kept it going with both their headline and lede in the obligatory "Tom Brady celebrates with supermodel wife" sidebar:

Did the New England Revolution just win Super Bowl XLIX? | SIDELINE -


We've made the occasional mistake in headlines (and ledes, and the body of the story, and... well, we're incredibly fallible) ourselves, so we're not going to go overboard chucking stones from the deck of our pretty glass house. But this one is very amusing, and probably very painful for Revs fans.

Here's why:

February 2, 2015

New England has had a dominant, multi-sport 15-year run that dwarfs the accomplishments of any other region, both currently and historically.

  • Most Super Bowl wins? Check.
  • Most World Series wins? Check.
  • Most men's Final Four wins? Check.
  • Most women's Final Four wins? Check.
  • Most men's Frozen Four wins? Check.

You can also throw in a Stanley Cup, an NBA title, a men's College Cup and a couple of field hockey titles.

Just about the only team in the region to fall short of their league's big prize are the Revs, which makes the editorial biff from the Daily Mail all the more painful.

But, hey, at least New England fans didn't have to spend Monday hungover AND watch the LA Galaxy make their seemingly annual White House visit at the Revs' expense.