Here’s how Toronto FC, the Quakes, MLS, and soccer in general got the official blessing of rapper Lil B | SIDELINE

Rapper Lil B blessed Toronto FC, the Quakes, and MLS | SIDELINE

You don’t want to mess with the curse of Lil B. The Bay Area-based rapper – or, rather, Bay Area-Based God Rapper – spreads love on social media via Tumblr art and positive and useful messages for his fans.

Lil B’s excellent internetting might be a little more famous than his (totally independent) music. But if you want to get familiar with his many, many sonic creations, you can head over to his YouTube, which also includes video of a lecture he recently gave at UCLA.

He has also, however, been able to harness the unspoken vibes of the universe to seek revenge on people who have wronged him—particularly athletes. Lil B’s usually Twitter-issued blessings and cursings have, whether coincidentally or not (dun-dun-DUN!) resulted in legit career events.

When Lil B beefed with basketballer Kevin Durant, for instance, every mistake by the latter going forward has been attributed to the curse by the former. (You can read a recap on that specific and long-running beef here, on Grantland.)

However, Toronto FC, specifically, made the first step Saturday in keeping Lil B’s powers only for good in North American soccer. That’s when, after his 28th-minute goal, Sebastian Giovinco broke out this goal celebration:

That’s a dance move Lil B made popular called “cooking.”

Giovinco likely picked it up from the Toronto Blue Jays, who are attributing their current good baseball luck to Lil B’s blessing.

(Side note—how did the Jays get wrapped up in all of that? Norm Kelly, a Toronto politician who is especially good at millennial Twitter, asked Lil B for help with the team. He duly received it.)

When MLS tweeted it out, Lil B rightfully pointed out that Giovinco was doing his cooking dance.

But his hometown team got some love too!

Toronto, for its part, is doing okay in the race to the playoffs, currently sitting at number five in the Eastern Conference standings.

The Quakes, however, currently sit at number six in the Western Conference, tied for points with the Portland Timbers. Then again, this did happen:

Thank you, Based God!