New England Revolution coach Bruce Arena: "I’m embarrassed with our country"

Bruce Arena: "I’m embarrassed with our country"

Bruce Arena - portrait against black background - use only for special posts

New England Revolution coach Bruce Arena said he’s “embarrassed with our country,” and called for a cultural change on BSI: The Podcast.

“I’m embarrassed. I’m embarrassed with our country, that it’s 2020 and we still have a racist society,” Arena said. “And I’m privileged. I don’t know what it’s like to be Black in this country. But what I can see from the outside, it’s not good and I can’t understand why.”

Part of the cultural change Arena called for involved police policy and political leadership.

“I continue to see these police shootings, I can’t see the logic in why any policeman, in this day and age, would even consider using a weapon in the circumstances that they’ve had. It’s embarrassing,” Arena said. “We’ve got to have a huge culture change in our country, a huge change. It’s not a little thing to changing protocols in police departments, it's the mentality of our entire country and the leadership in our country. If there’s ever a time where people have to vote, it’s now. They’ve got to get the right people in office with the right philosophies to improve our society.”

To listen to the whole interview, click here.