Peter Vermes: I'm disgusted by lack of education on systemic racism

Vermes: I'm disgusted by lack of education on systemic racism

Peter Vermes - portrait against black background - use only for special posts

Peter Vermes didn’t hold back when discussing the nationwide protests during a recent Sports Radio 810 WHB interview, calling uneducated perspectives on systemic racism “disgusting.”

Vermes, the manager and sporting director of Sporting Kansas City, was reacting to the social unrest that's defined the national discourse since George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, was killed by a white police officer in Minnesota. 

“It’s incredibly sad, and I say it’s incredibly sad because this isn’t the first time in recent years,” Vermes said. “What I’m disgusted about is, there is this lack of education. We all occupy the same home, and it’s the planet earth. We’re all really one big family in this world, so the idea that we—in this present time—still have issues, and that people are losing their lives…it’s appalling. It’s something that should be completely unacceptable.”

Vermes then noted how SKC’s roster is composed of “13, 14 or 15 nationalities” and how they come from all different walks of life. They embrace that diversity and unite to compete for a common cause.

Should SKC’s players encounter any challenges on the above subject matters, Vermes wants them to voice their concerns directly. He’s happy to confront the root cause.

“I told our guys, I don’t even know if any of you guys face those challenges in our community here,” Vermes said. “But if you do, I don’t want you to go to somebody else. I want you to come straight to me, because I will deal with it. I’m not afraid to deal with a situation.”

For further comments from Vermes on race issues, SKC’s continued preparation and more, check out the entire interview here.