San Jose Earthquakes, US Geological Survey partner to install seismograph at Avaya Stadium | SIDELINE

Ready to rumble: Quakes will rock a seismograph in Avaya Stadium

Avaya Stadium first preseason match

Are you (literally) ready to rock, Earthquakes fans?

In what seems like one of those "oh-so-obvious" partnerships, the US Geological Survey announced Friday that the organization's geophysicists installed a seismograph in the San Jose Earthquakes offices at Avaya Stadium, "in order to improve the understanding of ground shaking in the Santa Clara Valley from earthquakes in the southern San Francisco Bay Area."

The question now is, will frenzied Quakes fans actually be able to register a reading on the device?

Sadly, it seems unlikely, though not completely out of the question. After all, seismic activity has been registered after big plays in football games, most notably in the hotly-contested Iron Bowl rivalry between Auburn and Alabama and up at Seattle's Century Link field after a famous Marshawn Lynch touchdown run for the Seahawks.

Avaya Stadium, of course, is somewhat more intimate than those venues, so the best bet might be to coordinate one of those famous Earthquakes stoppage-time winners with a big jet landing across the road at San Jose International. And if the USGS up in Menlo Park does pick up a blip one summer Saturday night, you can be sure there's something fun brewing with the Quakes.