Sporting Kansas City forward Khiry Shelton: "I’m just in pain" after George Floyd murder

Sporting's Khiry Shelton: "I’m just in pain" after George Floyd murder

Khiry Shelton - portrait against black background - use only for special posts

Watching the video of George Floyd murdered by a white police officer in Minneapolis, Minn., understandably so, struck a nerve for Sporting Kansas City forward Khiry Shelton

Those eight minutes and 46 seconds, plus dozens of other killings of unarmed black men and women, have since sparked global protests about racial inequality and police brutality.

“I lost it,” Shelton said in a Kansas City Star piece by Sam McDowell. “I broke down and just cried. I was angry, sad, frustrated. But mostly, I was in pain. I’m just in pain.”

Shelton also took to Instagram June 1, using his platform to address these deep-rooted issues. As the son of a Black man and Caucasian woman, the emotions were raw when he asked the public what they see when they notice him.

Shelton doesn’t plan on drifting into the background or being silenced anytime. Rather, he’s mulling over how to make his voice heard when the MLS is Back Tournament gets underway July 8 in Florida.

“I’m going to let people know that I’m a Black man, and this is what I stand for,” he said. “I’m going to do something to stand up for what’s right.”

For more from Shelton, check out the entire Kansas City Star article here. He first entered MLS in 2015 with NYCFC and has since registered nine goals and 16 assists through 76games.