Sporting KC's Krisztian Nemeth defies geometry with goal in US Open Cup win | SIDELINE

He scored that?! Nemeth's must-see USOC goal | SIDELINE

Sporting KC's Krisztian Nemeth celebrates

The headlines may have been reserved for Dom Dwyer, who scored four goals in Sporting Kansas City's 6-2 win in the US Open Cup against FC Dallas on Wednesday, but teammate Krisztian Nemeth scored the highlight-reel tally.

With Sporting up 4-0 as the hour mark approached, Nemeth -- who had already scored once in the game -- took the ball right at the endline inside the 18-yard box right of goal, and sent a soft chip toward the goalmouth. FC Dallas goalkeeper Chris Seitz was caught unaware, though given the ridiculousness of the attempt, who could blame him, and Matt Hedges' attempt to head the ball clear was for naught.

But don't take our word for it -- take a look at this goal:

So the obvious question is: Did Nemeth mean to score with that audacious chip, or was it a lucky shot? Let us know what you think in the comments below.